Best Known (117, 251, s)-Nets in Base 4
(117, 251, 130)-Net over F4 — Constructive and digital
Digital (117, 251, 130)-net over F4, using
- t-expansion [i] based on digital (105, 251, 130)-net over F4, using
- net from sequence [i] based on digital (105, 129)-sequence over F4, using
- Niederreiter–Xing sequence construction II/III [i] based on function field F/F4 with g(F) = 105 and N(F) ≥ 130, using
- T7 from the second tower of function fields by GarcÃa and Stichtenoth over F4 [i]
- Niederreiter–Xing sequence construction II/III [i] based on function field F/F4 with g(F) = 105 and N(F) ≥ 130, using
- net from sequence [i] based on digital (105, 129)-sequence over F4, using
(117, 251, 168)-Net over F4 — Digital
Digital (117, 251, 168)-net over F4, using
- t-expansion [i] based on digital (115, 251, 168)-net over F4, using
- net from sequence [i] based on digital (115, 167)-sequence over F4, using
- Niederreiter–Xing sequence construction II/III [i] based on function field F/F4 with g(F) = 115 and N(F) ≥ 168, using
- net from sequence [i] based on digital (115, 167)-sequence over F4, using
(117, 251, 1493)-Net in Base 4 — Upper bound on s
There is no (117, 251, 1494)-net in base 4, because
- the generalized Rao bound for nets shows that 4m ≥ 13 519511 573512 713640 494651 617439 902584 432730 488937 561431 625565 516488 508584 261966 587997 791801 999070 701112 449220 795526 113870 960287 811542 645216 069048 304530 > 4251 [i]