Usage of Method: Truncation for OOAs

Appears in the following modes: “Bound” (236318 times), “Bound (linear)” (98 times), “Constructive and linear” (53310 times), “Linear” (723 times).

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290401Linear OOA(2208, 513, F2, 8, 34) (dual of [(513, 8), 3896, 35]-NRT-code)Constructive and linear [i]
290402Linear OOA(2194, 65538, F2, 8, 20) (dual of [(65538, 8), 524110, 21]-NRT-code)Constructive and linear [i]
290403Linear OOA(2195, 262147, F2, 8, 18) (dual of [(262147, 8), 2096981, 19]-NRT-code)Constructive and linear [i]
290404Linear OOA(2212, 515, F2, 8, 34) (dual of [(515, 8), 3908, 35]-NRT-code)Constructive and linear [i]
290405Linear OOA(2211, 1025, F2, 8, 32) (dual of [(1025, 8), 7989, 33]-NRT-code)Constructive and linear [i]
290406Linear OOA(2207, 2052, F2, 8, 28) (dual of [(2052, 8), 16209, 29]-NRT-code)Constructive and linear [i]
290407Linear OOA(2205, 4100, F2, 8, 26) (dual of [(4100, 8), 32595, 27]-NRT-code)Constructive and linear [i]
290408Linear OOA(2199, 65541, F2, 8, 20) (dual of [(65541, 8), 524129, 21]-NRT-code)Constructive and linear [i]
290409Linear OOA(2207, 4101, F2, 8, 26) (dual of [(4101, 8), 32601, 27]-NRT-code)Constructive and linear [i]
290410Linear OOA(2203, 131074, F2, 8, 20) (dual of [(131074, 8), 1048389, 21]-NRT-code)Constructive and linear [i]
290411Linear OOA(2220, 513, F2, 8, 36) (dual of [(513, 8), 3884, 37]-NRT-code)Constructive and linear [i]
290412Linear OOA(2204, 524291, F2, 8, 18) (dual of [(524291, 8), 4194124, 19]-NRT-code)Constructive and linear [i]
290413Linear OOA(2224, 1025, F2, 8, 34) (dual of [(1025, 8), 7976, 35]-NRT-code)Constructive and linear [i]
290414Linear OOA(2216, 8196, F2, 8, 26) (dual of [(8196, 8), 65352, 27]-NRT-code)Constructive and linear [i]
290415Linear OOA(2219, 4100, F2, 8, 28) (dual of [(4100, 8), 32581, 29]-NRT-code)Constructive and linear [i]
290416Linear OOA(2214, 65538, F2, 8, 22) (dual of [(65538, 8), 524090, 23]-NRT-code)Constructive and linear [i]
290417Linear OOA(2232, 513, F2, 8, 38) (dual of [(513, 8), 3872, 39]-NRT-code)Constructive and linear [i]
290418Linear OOA(2224, 2054, F2, 8, 30) (dual of [(2054, 8), 16208, 31]-NRT-code)Constructive and linear [i]
290419Linear OOA(2222, 4101, F2, 8, 28) (dual of [(4101, 8), 32586, 29]-NRT-code)Constructive and linear [i]
290420Linear OOA(2220, 8197, F2, 8, 26) (dual of [(8197, 8), 65356, 27]-NRT-code)Constructive and linear [i]
290421Linear OOA(2219, 65541, F2, 8, 22) (dual of [(65541, 8), 524109, 23]-NRT-code)Constructive and linear [i]
290422Linear OOA(2237, 1025, F2, 8, 36) (dual of [(1025, 8), 7963, 37]-NRT-code)Constructive and linear [i]
290423Linear OOA(2224, 131074, F2, 8, 22) (dual of [(131074, 8), 1048368, 23]-NRT-code)Constructive and linear [i]
290424Linear OOA(2235, 2052, F2, 8, 32) (dual of [(2052, 8), 16181, 33]-NRT-code)Constructive and linear [i]
290425Linear OOA(2227, 32773, F2, 8, 24) (dual of [(32773, 8), 261957, 25]-NRT-code)Constructive and linear [i]
290426Linear OOA(2244, 513, F2, 8, 40) (dual of [(513, 8), 3860, 41]-NRT-code)Constructive and linear [i]
290427Linear OOA(2226, 131075, F2, 8, 22) (dual of [(131075, 8), 1048374, 23]-NRT-code)Constructive and linear [i]
290428Linear OOA(2235, 4100, F2, 8, 30) (dual of [(4100, 8), 32565, 31]-NRT-code)Constructive and linear [i]
290429Linear OOA(2238, 2054, F2, 8, 32) (dual of [(2054, 8), 16194, 33]-NRT-code)Constructive and linear [i]
290430Linear OOA(2237, 4101, F2, 8, 30) (dual of [(4101, 8), 32571, 31]-NRT-code)Constructive and linear [i]
290431Linear OOA(2233, 16389, F2, 8, 26) (dual of [(16389, 8), 130879, 27]-NRT-code)Constructive and linear [i]
290432Linear OOA(2236, 8197, F2, 8, 28) (dual of [(8197, 8), 65340, 29]-NRT-code)Constructive and linear [i]
290433Linear OOA(2233, 65538, F2, 8, 24) (dual of [(65538, 8), 524071, 25]-NRT-code)Constructive and linear [i]
290434Linear OOA(2250, 1025, F2, 8, 38) (dual of [(1025, 8), 7950, 39]-NRT-code)Constructive and linear [i]
290435Linear OOA(2237, 65541, F2, 8, 24) (dual of [(65541, 8), 524091, 25]-NRT-code)Constructive and linear [i]
290436Linear OOA(2251, 1030, F2, 8, 36) (dual of [(1030, 8), 7989, 37]-NRT-code)Constructive and linear [i]
290437Linear OOA(2237, 262147, F2, 8, 22) (dual of [(262147, 8), 2096939, 23]-NRT-code)Constructive and linear [i]
290438Linear OOA(2249, 4100, F2, 8, 32) (dual of [(4100, 8), 32551, 33]-NRT-code)Constructive and linear [i]
290439Linear OOA(2252, 2054, F2, 8, 34) (dual of [(2054, 8), 16180, 35]-NRT-code)Constructive and linear [i]
290440Linear OOA(2248, 8196, F2, 8, 30) (dual of [(8196, 8), 65320, 31]-NRT-code)Constructive and linear [i]
290441Linear OOA(2252, 4101, F2, 8, 32) (dual of [(4101, 8), 32556, 33]-NRT-code)Constructive and linear [i]
290442Linear OOA(2246, 32773, F2, 8, 26) (dual of [(32773, 8), 261938, 27]-NRT-code)Constructive and linear [i]
290443Linear OOA(2244, 131074, F2, 8, 24) (dual of [(131074, 8), 1048348, 25]-NRT-code)Constructive and linear [i]
290444Linear OOA(2252, 8197, F2, 8, 30) (dual of [(8197, 8), 65324, 31]-NRT-code)Constructive and linear [i]
290445Linear OOA(2250, 16389, F2, 8, 28) (dual of [(16389, 8), 130862, 29]-NRT-code)Constructive and linear [i]
290446Linear OOA(2252, 65538, F2, 8, 26) (dual of [(65538, 8), 524052, 27]-NRT-code)Constructive and linear [i]
290447Linear OOA(2248, 524291, F2, 8, 22) (dual of [(524291, 8), 4194080, 23]-NRT-code)Constructive and linear [i]
290448Linear OOA(2257, 65541, F2, 8, 26) (dual of [(65541, 8), 524071, 27]-NRT-code)Constructive and linear [i]
290449Linear OOA(2255, 262146, F2, 8, 24) (dual of [(262146, 8), 2096913, 25]-NRT-code)Constructive and linear [i]

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