Information on Result #1106368
Linear OOA(3212, 44, F3, 5, 135) (dual of [(44, 5), 8, 136]-NRT-code), using OOA 5-folding based on linear OA(3212, 220, F3, 135) (dual of [220, 8, 136]-code), using
- strength reduction [i] based on linear OA(3212, 220, F3, 137) (dual of [220, 8, 138]-code), using
- concatenation of two codes [i] based on
- linear OA(951, 55, F9, 45) (dual of [55, 4, 46]-code), using
- linear OA(32, 4, F3, 2) (dual of [4, 2, 3]-code or 4-arc in PG(1,3)), using
- extended Reed–Solomon code RSe(2,3) [i]
- Hamming code H(2,3) [i]
- Simplex code S(2,3) [i]
- the Tetracode [i]
- concatenation of two codes [i] based on
Mode: Constructive and linear.
Show details for fixed k and m, n and k, k and s, k and t, n and m, m and s, m and t, n and s, n and t.
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