Information on Result #1298944

Linear OA(3184, 217, F3, 89) (dual of [217, 33, 90]-code), using construction X with VarÅ¡amov bound based on
  1. linear OA(3179, 211, F3, 89) (dual of [211, 32, 90]-code), using
  2. linear OA(3179, 212, F3, 84) (dual of [212, 33, 85]-code), using Gilbert–VarÅ¡amov bound and bm = 3179 > Vbs−1(k−1) = 20 836196 073517 781678 121052 821271 546066 313319 772523 301112 629442 256912 604801 557599 863003 [i]
  3. linear OA(34, 5, F3, 4) (dual of [5, 1, 5]-code or 5-arc in PG(3,3)), using

Mode: Linear.


Show details for fixed k and m, n and k, k and s, k and t, n and m, m and s, m and t, n and s, n and t.

Compare with Markus Grassl’s online database of code parameters.

Other Results with Identical Parameters


Depending Results

The following results depend on this result:

1Linear OA(3184, 217, F3, 88) (dual of [217, 33, 89]-code) [i]Strength Reduction
2Linear OA(3182, 215, F3, 87) (dual of [215, 33, 88]-code) [i]Truncation