Information on Result #2154746
There is no OA(482, 299, S4, 51), because 1 times code embedding in larger space would yield OA(483, 300, S4, 51), but
- the linear programming bound shows that M ≥ 8 669464 869261 106850 173136 291210 866790 740193 996403 412994 618413 203155 733105 093782 117120 984436 609117 895272 047515 898971 422720 / 88104 048654 161452 142075 042836 554792 583523 738651 953284 684543 981610 834621 > 483 [i]
Mode: Bound.
Show details for fixed k and m, n and k, k and s, k and t, n and m, m and s, m and t, n and s, n and t.
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