Information on Result #2299085
Linear OA(2182, 317, F2, 48) (dual of [317, 135, 49]-code), using 1 times truncation based on linear OA(2183, 318, F2, 49) (dual of [318, 135, 50]-code), using
- concatenation of two codes [i] based on
- linear OA(3226, 53, F32, 24) (dual of [53, 27, 25]-code), using
- extended algebraic-geometric code AGe(F,28P) [i] based on function field F/F32 with g(F) = 2 and N(F) ≥ 53, using
- linear OA(21, 6, F2, 1) (dual of [6, 5, 2]-code), using
- discarding factors / shortening the dual code based on linear OA(21, s, F2, 1) (dual of [s, s−1, 2]-code) for arbitrarily large s, using
- linear OA(3226, 53, F32, 24) (dual of [53, 27, 25]-code), using
Mode: Linear.
Show details for fixed k and m, n and k, k and s, k and t, n and m, m and s, m and t, n and s, n and t.
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