Information on Result #2467638
Linear OOA(3243, 151, F3, 2, 117) (dual of [(151, 2), 59, 118]-NRT-code), using 1 step truncation based on linear OOA(3244, 152, F3, 2, 118) (dual of [(152, 2), 60, 119]-NRT-code), using
- strength reduction [i] based on linear OOA(3244, 152, F3, 2, 119) (dual of [(152, 2), 60, 120]-NRT-code), using
- concatenation of two NRT-codes [i] based on
- linear OA(8123, 38, F81, 23) (dual of [38, 15, 24]-code or 38-arc in PG(22,81)), using
- discarding factors / shortening the dual code based on linear OA(8123, 81, F81, 23) (dual of [81, 58, 24]-code or 81-arc in PG(22,81)), using
- Reed–Solomon code RS(58,81) [i]
- discarding factors / shortening the dual code based on linear OA(8123, 81, F81, 23) (dual of [81, 58, 24]-code or 81-arc in PG(22,81)), using
- linear OOA(34, 4, F3, 2, 4) (dual of [(4, 2), 4, 5]-NRT-code), using
- extended Reed–Solomon NRT-code RSe(2;4,3) [i]
- linear OA(8123, 38, F81, 23) (dual of [38, 15, 24]-code or 38-arc in PG(22,81)), using
- concatenation of two NRT-codes [i] based on
Mode: Constructive and linear.
Show details for fixed k and m, n and k, k and s, k and t, n and m, m and s, m and t, n and s, n and t.
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