Information on Result #1160337

Linear OOA(2242, 266, F2, 7, 48) (dual of [(266, 7), 1620, 49]-NRT-code), using (u, u+v)-construction based on
  1. linear OOA(226, 6, F2, 7, 24) (dual of [(6, 7), 16, 25]-NRT-code), using
  2. linear OOA(2216, 260, F2, 7, 48) (dual of [(260, 7), 1604, 49]-NRT-code), using

Mode: Constructive and linear.


Show details for fixed k and m, n and k, k and s, k and t, n and m, m and s, m and t, n and s, n and t.

Other Results with Identical Parameters


Depending Results
