Information on Result #1550921
Linear OOA(5146, 976572, F5, 3, 20) (dual of [(976572, 3), 2929570, 21]-NRT-code), using embedding of OOA with Gilbert–Varšamov bound based on linear OOA(5146, 976572, F5, 2, 20) (dual of [(976572, 2), 1952998, 21]-NRT-code), using
- OOA 2-folding [i] based on linear OA(5146, 1953144, F5, 20) (dual of [1953144, 1952998, 21]-code), using
- construction X applied to Ce(20) ⊂ Ce(17) [i] based on
- linear OA(5145, 1953125, F5, 21) (dual of [1953125, 1952980, 22]-code), using an extension Ce(20) of the primitive narrow-sense BCH-code C(I) with length 1953124 = 59−1, defining interval I = [1,20], and designed minimum distance d ≥ |I|+1 = 21 [i]
- linear OA(5127, 1953125, F5, 18) (dual of [1953125, 1952998, 19]-code), using an extension Ce(17) of the primitive narrow-sense BCH-code C(I) with length 1953124 = 59−1, defining interval I = [1,17], and designed minimum distance d ≥ |I|+1 = 18 [i]
- linear OA(51, 19, F5, 1) (dual of [19, 18, 2]-code), using
- discarding factors / shortening the dual code based on linear OA(51, s, F5, 1) (dual of [s, s−1, 2]-code) for arbitrarily large s, using
- construction X applied to Ce(20) ⊂ Ce(17) [i] based on
Mode: Linear.
Show details for fixed k and m, n and k, k and s, k and t, n and m, m and s, m and t, n and s, n and t.
Other Results with Identical Parameters
Depending Results
The following results depend on this result:
Result | This result only | Method | ||
1 | Linear OOA(5147, 976572, F5, 3, 20) (dual of [(976572, 3), 2929569, 21]-NRT-code) | [i] | OOA Duplication | |
2 | Linear OOA(5146, 244142, F5, 27, 20) (dual of [(244142, 27), 6591688, 21]-NRT-code) | [i] | OOA Folding and Stacking with Additional Row |