Information on Result #2499963
Linear OOA(4157, 146, F4, 2, 63) (dual of [(146, 2), 135, 64]-NRT-code), using 41 times duplication based on linear OOA(4156, 146, F4, 2, 63) (dual of [(146, 2), 136, 64]-NRT-code), using
- trace code [i] based on linear OOA(1678, 73, F16, 2, 63) (dual of [(73, 2), 68, 64]-NRT-code), using
- construction X applied to AG(2;F,64P) ⊂ AG(2;F,74P) [i] based on
- linear OOA(1669, 64, F16, 2, 63) (dual of [(64, 2), 59, 64]-NRT-code), using algebraic-geometric NRT-code AG(2;F,64P) [i] based on function field F/F16 with g(F) = 6 and N(F) ≥ 65, using
- the Hermitian function field over F16 [i]
- linear OOA(1659, 64, F16, 2, 53) (dual of [(64, 2), 69, 54]-NRT-code), using algebraic-geometric NRT-code AG(2;F,74P) [i] based on function field F/F16 with g(F) = 6 and N(F) ≥ 65 (see above)
- linear OOA(169, 9, F16, 2, 9) (dual of [(9, 2), 9, 10]-NRT-code), using
- discarding factors / shortening the dual code based on linear OOA(169, 16, F16, 2, 9) (dual of [(16, 2), 23, 10]-NRT-code), using
- Reed–Solomon NRT-code RS(2;23,16) [i]
- discarding factors / shortening the dual code based on linear OOA(169, 16, F16, 2, 9) (dual of [(16, 2), 23, 10]-NRT-code), using
- linear OOA(1669, 64, F16, 2, 63) (dual of [(64, 2), 59, 64]-NRT-code), using algebraic-geometric NRT-code AG(2;F,64P) [i] based on function field F/F16 with g(F) = 6 and N(F) ≥ 65, using
- construction X applied to AG(2;F,64P) ⊂ AG(2;F,74P) [i] based on
Mode: Constructive and linear.
Show details for fixed k and m, n and k, k and s, k and t, n and m, m and s, m and t, n and s, n and t.
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