Information on Result #691993

Linear OA(16126, 4115, F16, 43) (dual of [4115, 3989, 44]-code), using construction XX applied to C([0,21]) ⊂ C([0,19]) ⊂ C([0,18]) based on
  1. linear OA(16121, 4097, F16, 43) (dual of [4097, 3976, 44]-code), using the expurgated narrow-sense BCH-code C(I) with length 4097 | 166−1, defining interval I = [0,21], and minimum distance d ≥ |{−21,−20,…,21}|+1 = 44 (BCH-bound) [i]
  2. linear OA(16109, 4097, F16, 39) (dual of [4097, 3988, 40]-code), using the expurgated narrow-sense BCH-code C(I) with length 4097 | 166−1, defining interval I = [0,19], and minimum distance d ≥ |{−19,−18,…,19}|+1 = 40 (BCH-bound) [i]
  3. linear OA(16103, 4097, F16, 37) (dual of [4097, 3994, 38]-code), using the expurgated narrow-sense BCH-code C(I) with length 4097 | 166−1, defining interval I = [0,18], and minimum distance d ≥ |{−18,−17,…,18}|+1 = 38 (BCH-bound) [i]
  4. linear OA(163, 16, F16, 3) (dual of [16, 13, 4]-code or 16-arc in PG(2,16) or 16-cap in PG(2,16)), using
  5. linear OA(161, 2, F16, 1) (dual of [2, 1, 2]-code), using

Mode: Constructive and linear.


Show details for fixed k and m, n and k, k and s, k and t, n and m, m and s, m and t, n and s, n and t.

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