Information on Result #730903

Linear OA(25660, 775, F256, 36) (dual of [775, 715, 37]-code), using construction XX applied to C1 = C([112,146]), C2 = C([111,145]), C3 = C1 + C2 = C([112,145]), and C∩ = C1 ∩ C2 = C([111,146]) based on
  1. linear OA(25658, 771, F256, 35) (dual of [771, 713, 36]-code), using the BCH-code C(I) with length 771 | 2562−1, defining interval I = {112,113,…,146}, and designed minimum distance d ≥ |I|+1 = 36 [i]
  2. linear OA(25658, 771, F256, 35) (dual of [771, 713, 36]-code), using the BCH-code C(I) with length 771 | 2562−1, defining interval I = {111,112,…,145}, and designed minimum distance d ≥ |I|+1 = 36 [i]
  3. linear OA(25660, 771, F256, 36) (dual of [771, 711, 37]-code), using the BCH-code C(I) with length 771 | 2562−1, defining interval I = {111,112,…,146}, and designed minimum distance d ≥ |I|+1 = 37 [i]
  4. linear OA(25656, 771, F256, 34) (dual of [771, 715, 35]-code), using the BCH-code C(I) with length 771 | 2562−1, defining interval I = {112,113,…,145}, and designed minimum distance d ≥ |I|+1 = 35 [i]
  5. linear OA(2560, 2, F256, 0) (dual of [2, 2, 1]-code), using
  6. linear OA(2560, 2, F256, 0) (dual of [2, 2, 1]-code) (see above)

Mode: Constructive and linear.


Show details for fixed k and m, n and k, k and s, k and t, n and m, m and s, m and t, n and s, n and t.

Other Results with Identical Parameters


Depending Results

The following results depend on this result:

1OA(12869, 775, S128, 36) [i]Discarding Parts of the Base for OAs
2Linear OOA(25660, 387, F256, 2, 36) (dual of [(387, 2), 714, 37]-NRT-code) [i]OOA Folding