Best Known (9, 70, s)-Nets in Base 25
(9, 70, 104)-Net over F25 — Constructive and digital
Digital (9, 70, 104)-net over F25, using
- net from sequence [i] based on digital (9, 103)-sequence over F25, using
- Niederreiter–Xing sequence construction II/III [i] based on function field F/F25 with g(F) = 9 and N(F) ≥ 104, using
(9, 70, 808)-Net in Base 25 — Upper bound on s
There is no (9, 70, 809)-net in base 25, because
- 1 times m-reduction [i] would yield (9, 69, 809)-net in base 25, but
- the generalized Rao bound for nets shows that 25m ≥ 2 959865 765528 474082 988966 206779 440776 987220 679284 239761 605274 732045 127028 978776 701830 254631 996177 > 2569 [i]